To start any exercise you should start with a form that you are comfortable with and then as you become more competent with the exercise you should progress to the next intensity level. With that in mind for Backwards lunges I would suggest that you start out without any weight and then move on from there. Below are a series of progressions with the Backwards Lunges.
Backwards Lunges without weight:
- Start in a standing position with both feet together and hands on your hips ( if you like).
- From the starting position, take one large step back onto the ball of your foot, stop and then drop your knee down towards the ground until both knees are at approximately 90 degrees.
- From the bottom position step back into the starting position and switch feet stepping back with the other leg and dropping it down to 90 degrees.
- Keep alternating which leg you are stepping back with until you are either fatigued or have reached the number of reps that you have set for yourself.

Backwards Lunges without any weight Start – Mid – End
Lunges without weight (hands over head):
- Start in a standing position with both feet together and hands on your hips ( if you like).
- From the starting position, take one large step back onto the ball of your foot, stop and then drop your knee down towards the ground until both knees are at approximately 90 degrees.
- As you drop down to 90 degrees raise both hands up over your head ( this helps give more of a stretch to your hip flexors)
- From the bottom position step back into the starting position bring your hands back down to your sides and switch feet stepping back with the other leg and dropping it down to 90 degrees.
- Keep alternating which leg you are stepping back with until you are either fatigued or have reached the number of reps that you have set for yourself.

Doing Backwards Lunges with your hands over your head
Lunges with weight in hands, bring weight overhead as you step back:
- Start in a standing position with both feet together and holding a weight in your hands ( dumbbell, medicine ball, weight plate, it doesn’t matter as long as its weight) at about chest level.
- From the starting position, take one large step back onto the ball of your foot, stop and then drop your knee down towards the ground until both knees are at approximately 90 degrees.
- As you drop down to 90 degrees raise both hands up over your head ( this helps give more of a stretch to your hip flexors)
- From the bottom position step back into the starting position bringing the weight back down to chest level and switch feet stepping back with the other leg and dropping it down to 90 degrees.
- Keep alternating which leg you are stepping back with until you are either fatigued or have reached the number of reps that you have set for yourself.

Lunging Backwards and bringing weight up overhead
Backwards Lunges with weight in hands and twisting over lead leg:
- Start in a standing position with both feet together and holding a weight in your hands ( dumbbell, medicine ball, weight plate, it doesn’t matter as long as its weight) at about chest level.
- From the starting position, take one large step back onto the ball of your foot, stop and then drop your knee down towards the ground until both knees are at approximately 90 degrees.
- As you drop down to 90 degrees twist your upper body with the weight over your lead leg.
- From the bottom position step back into the starting position bringing the weight back to facing forward and switch feet stepping back with the other leg and dropping it down to 90 degrees.
- Keep alternating which leg you are stepping back with until you are either fatigued or have reached the number of reps that you have set for yourself.

Backwards lunge with weight in hands and twisting over lead leg
Backwards Lunges with weights in hands:
- Start in a standing position with both feet together and holding a weights in both hands.
- From the starting position, take one large step back onto the ball of your foot, stop and then drop your knee down towards the ground until both knees are at approximately 90 degrees.
- From the bottom position step back into the starting position and switch feet stepping back with the other leg and dropping it down to 90 degrees.
- Keep alternating which leg you are stepping back with until you are either fatigued or have reached the number of reps that you have set for yourself.

Backwards Lunges with weight in hands