Looking towards Iron Mountain from Mt Woodson Summit

Looking towards Iron Mountain from Mt Woodson Summit


Blue Sky to Mt Woodson Summit

Blue Sky to Mt Woodson Summit

Google Earth: Blue Sky Reserve to Mt Woodson Summit

I read about this link to the Mt Woodson hike here in the San Diego Reader

Distance: 11 miles

Elevation Gained: 2357 feet with the top at 2816 feet.

Time to complete the trail: 4-5 hours.

Directions There: From I-15 take the Rancho Bernardo Road exit and turn right to continue on Espola Road for approximately 3 miles. Make a left into Blue Sky Ecological Reserve parking lot, which is open sunrise to sunset except for summer when open at 6:30 a.m. Vault toilets but no water available. Blue Sky Reserve Trailhead

What a perfect day for a hike. Blue sky, nice temperature, it just rained lightly the night before and there was still a scattering of clouds in the sky to give a little shade. Evidently everyone else thought the same thing because the line to get up and take your picture on potato chip rock looked like a Disney attraction line. The nice thing about taking this approach to the Mt Woodson summit was one the extra mileage, I’ve got to keep the miles on the legs as I get them ready for Cactus to Clouds. Another nice change of pace was the nice stroll through a nice grove of oaks, reminds me a little of Northern California. There is a little creek trail that is cool to take on the way back to the trial head, but it comes to an abrupt stop and you need to tromp through the brush to get back to the main trail. I would also love to see more people actually clean up after their dogs or at least push it off of the trail so that the rest of the people enjoying the trail don’t step in it, so keep your eyes open.

Weather forecast for the hike: