3 packets of Brooklyn Biltong
I’m always on the look for a good snack for a hike, even though most of us already have our favorites that we have learned work well for us its always nice to find something new. I can’t count how many times over my lifetime I’ve grabbed a packet of beef jerky for some adventure. When I was a kid going hiking with my mom or on a long car trip. When I was in the Army and out in the field. When I was planning a long road trip or backpacking trip, a packet of beef jerky certainly came along. So I was pleased when Brooklyn Biltong asked me to review their product, sure, who wouldnt mind reviewing some snack food.
I have to admit that I knew nothing about biltong, I thought it was just part of the the name of the company, I didnt realize until looking a little further that biltong is South Africa’s version of beef jerky. Unlike most of the beef jerky that we consume, biltong is not made through the typical dehydrating process nor does it use a lot of the extra articical ingredients for preservatives therefore it should be a healtheir alternative to beef jerky.
I have to admit that I have had some great beef jerky hiking before that just blew my mind, a friend of mine brought some Korean Beef Jerky on a backpacking trip up Mt Whitney one year that he had picked up from Costco and all of us where tripping over each other to grab another strip of this moist, spicy, and tasty treat, so when I read the description of the biltong jerky as being more moist then typical jerkys that is what I had in mind. The Brooklyn Biltong is not moist like the Korean Beef Jerky I had before but neither is it rock hard like most beef jerky you get in the store, its tender with a mild tangy flavor, its not overloaded with spice or smoke flavor. I can definitely see myself taking a bag along with me hiking.
The back of each package with the nutrional information and ingredients
The folks at Brooklyn Biltong are nice enough to give 15% off of your entire order for a one time introductory offer
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