by sdpacatc | Mar 10, 2014 | Hikes

3 Sisters Waterfalls
This is a great hike, I would only warn you that you should be aware of your own hiking level. For experienced hikers and young and fit kids this is a nice little adventure, for older hikers or inexperienced hikers this may be a little more intimidating. I can’t emphasize enough the amount of water you should bring with you, its always a practice to bring more then you think you need, you can always dump out what you don’t need later, or bring a water filter, there is plenty of water here. This a good hike to take advantage of not to long after a good rain when you can really see the waterfalls at their best.
by sdpacatc | Feb 23, 2014 | Hikes
I checked out this great hike today, Eagle Peak Hike. I wanted to scout out this hike and 3 Sisters Waterfalls for future hikes with my hiking group. Just be ready for the long bumpy dirt road, once you turn onto Boulder Creek Road from Descanso you have a 13 mile ride to the trail head with the dirt road starting around mile 5. Watch your speed on this road and be on the look out for others speeding along this road in cars that really don’t belong out here. You can get away with a regular car on this road, but a 4 wheel drive car is still a better bet. Make sure you bring lots of water, it gets hot out here and get to the trailhead early or you will not find a place to park.

Eagle Peak
by sdpacatc | Feb 9, 2014 | Hikes
This was a pleasant hike, it really helped that the first half of the hike was fogged in. I find that I prefer the new trailhead in Ramona compared to Eagle Peak Road in Julian. The new trailhead has parking, bathrooms, and the trial heading to the falls is well maintained and well marked with mileage markers every quarter mile. For a little extra hike, head up to the top of the falls after exploring the bottom of the falls. Truly a great San Diego Hike.

Cedar Creek Falls
by sdpacatc | Jan 27, 2014 | Hikes
It was a great weekend for this hike. The weather started off really sunny but by the time we were getting ready to come back down had clouded up quite a bit, keeping us cool and not straining our water supplies. We decided to try a different path back down after running into some other hikers who told us about a path down the northern side that hooked back up into the main trail that wrapped around the lake. It was nice to make the hike a loop rather then out and back. This hike is not to far away from Corte Madera and Los Pinos Mountain.

a beautiful day at the top of Morena Butte in San Diego
by sdpacatc | Dec 31, 2013 | Hikes
This was a great hike, a little bit of a challenge because of the terrain, some of the girls on the hike joked that “we weren’t hiking, but rock climbing”, you spend a lot of time scrambling up and down rocks as you go up and as you go down the wash into Goat Canyon. Keep your eyes peeled for the Siemens maintenance building with the tower in order to know where to turn off of S – 2 onto the dirt road, just pull the map up in Google earth and you can see the dirt road outlined in green. Bring lots of water and a comb in case you get some cholla stuck to you.

Walking across Goat Canyon Trestle Bridge