Hiking up Boucher Hill towards the fire lookout tower.

Hiking up Boucher Hill towards the fire lookout tower.

I took advantage of a beautiful weekend to take a group up to Palomar Mountain for a hike.  What a great little hiking area. I got the idea from another web site Modern Hiker. This hike was wonderful. Its a nice long moderate hike. It was nice to see all the different foliage, walk through the pine trees and oak trees, some that where just plain gigantic. Walking through meadows and fern meadows. Going by a pond fend by a spring, and checking out an awesome fire tower with a great view. There is a lot that this hike offers, its not to far from San Diego, about an hour from Central San Diego,  and I never got tired of the every changing scenery along the way.  It was nice to have  a great little mountain hike so close, get out and enjoy it. Just watch out for the poodle dog bush.

Check out the hike description below:
