Lake #1 in the Cottonwood Lakes area and the first lake you come across as you crest the trail at 11,000 feet.
Another good hiking season is upon us in California. While it may be to hot down in the dessert, the high sierras are a great place to get up into the cooler air with green meadows and melting snow fields. There is plenty of water up there right now and you could not pick a better time to head up. My buddy’s and I went up towards the end of July. Our biggest mistake with this hike was trying to do it in one grueling 15 hour day. I gassed out just a mile or so from the top while my friends were able to make it all the way up, but all of us were completely exhausted after that grueling all day hike. I would suggest splitting the hike up and camping at one of the lakes before going for the top.
Read on to find out more : Mt Langley via New Army Pass